Customizing Scheduled Reports
The Scheduled Reports module allows you to configure various inputs to create tailored reports. This section details the available inputs and their purpose, ensuring your reports are precisely customized to your needs.
Inputs for Customizing Reports
1. Report Format
- Required: Yes
- Options:
- Purpose: Select the file format for the report. Choose between CSV (for lightweight data export) and XLSX (for detailed spreadsheets).
⚠️ Note: While PDF support is currently available, it is known to be heavy for large datasets. Future updates may include optimizations to improve its performance and usability.
2. Email To
- Required: Yes
- Type: Email
- Purpose: Specify the recipients of the report. You can add multiple email addresses to distribute the report to a group.
3. Notes
- Optional: Yes
- Purpose: Add additional information or comments about the report. These notes can provide context or special instructions for recipients.
4. Preferred Time of Day
- Required: Yes
- Type: Time
- Purpose: Specify the exact time of day when the report should be generated and sent.
5. Frequency
Required: Yes
Purpose: Define how often the report should be sent.
Daily: Report is sent every day.
- Recurrence Types:
- Recurrence Types:
Weekly: Report is sent once a week.
- Recurrence Types:
(specific days of the week)
- Recurrence Types:
Monthly: Report is sent once a month.
- Recurrence Types:
(specific dates)first day of the month
last day of the month
first selected day of the month
second selected day of the month
third selected day of the month
- Recurrence Types:
Quarterly: Report is sent every three months.
- Recurrence Types:
on the first day of each quarter
on the last day of each quarter
- Recurrence Types:
Annually: Report is sent once a year.
- Recurrence Types:
(specific day and month)
- Recurrence Types:
Custom: Define a custom interval for sending reports.
- Recurrence Types:
every X days
every X weeks
- Recurrence Types:
6. Date Range
- Required: Yes
- Options:
last 7 days
last 30 days
last 3 months
last month
last quarter
last year
month to date
quarter to date
year to date
- Purpose: Specify the time period of data to include in the report.
7. Start and End Dates
- Type: Date
- Purpose: Define a specific date range for the report.
- Start Date: The beginning of the reporting period.
- End Date: (Optional) The end of the reporting period. If left blank, the report considers all data up to the current date.
8. Calendar Preview
- Component:
- Purpose: Visualize the recurrence and scheduling of the report. This calendar provides an overview of the selected dates based on the applied frequency, active days, and recurrence type.
- Inputs for Calendar Preview:
This detailed customization process ensures that your scheduled reports are tailored to meet the exact requirements of your organization.
⚠️ Note: Ensure all required fields are completed to save and activate the scheduled report successfully. ⚠️ Note: While PDF support is currently available, it is known to be heavy for large datasets. Future updates may include optimizations to improve its performance and usability.